The best holiday destination for a lot of people, this small island in the Mediterranean, offers the tourists an incredible list of dishes which will please everyone's tastes.
Although Ibiza is quite a small island, its inhabitants have made profit of the natural resources it has to offer: rainfed and irrigated agriculture, fishing, hunting and animal husbandry.
Some of the typical dishes in Ibiza are the 'Guisat de peix', the 'Fregida pagesa' or the 'Arròs de Matanzas'. The 'Guisat de peix' is a stew which main ingredients are fish and potatoes. Do not hesitate to taste it before going back to your country, especially if you like fish. For those who prefer meat on their dishes, there is the 'Fregida pagesa' waiting for them to taste it. It is a dish with fried meat and vegetables that will delight eyeryone. You can also taste the 'Arròs de Matanzas' which is a soup with rice and meat.

Now that we have already eaten the main course, we deserve the dessert. Do not leave Ibiza without tasting its flavourful 'Greixonera', made out of ensaïmada and milk, or the typical pastry of Ibiza, the 'Flaons'.
Ibiza has also some liquors to drink both together with these delicious dishes or alone. The 'frígola' is the typical liquor of Ibiza made out of anise. You can also drink herb liqueur or the large variety of wines that you will find in any Ibiza restaurant.
These are just a few examples of the great gastronomy of Ibiza. Take a plane to this incredible island and you will discover plenty more!